April 17, 2008

E-Porfolios for student learning

"A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the students efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas. The collection must include student participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection; the criteria for judging merit, and evidence of student self-reflection. An electronic portfolio includes the use of electronic technologies that allow the portfolio developer to collect and organize artifacts in many formats (audio, video, graphics, and text)."Create your own Electronic Portfolio

I began looking on the internet for information about creating an electronic teaching portfolio and found so many articles and resources relating to electronic student portfolios that I thought I would write another post about it and collect some of the more useful sites on this blog. I particularly like this image I saw on DigitalArchive4Life
This image represent our 'Digital Archive for Life' - how we might collect artifacts over time in various formats as the story of our lives.

"Eportfolios offer many benefits for learners as they seek to create and reflect on life experiences.

  • Personal knowledge management
  • History of development and growth
  • Planning/goal setting tool
  • Assist learners in making connections between learning experiences (his may include formal and informal learning).
  • Provide the metacognitive elements needed to assist learners in planning future learning needs based on previous successes and failures.
  • Personal control of learning history (as compared to organizations controlling learner history)." (taken from elearnspace)
For students it is useful:

  • increased learning effectiveness
  • model professionalism
  • enhance information technology skills
  • gain academic credit for learning beyond the classroom
  • reflections on artifacts as well as how they match goals and standards
  • help students make connections among their formal and informal learning experiences
  • prompt learners to articulate their learning goals from different perspectives
  • allow individuals to display learning in ways overlooked or undervalued by other assessment means" (taken from (ePortfolios Portal)

Resources (Student and Teacher Portfolios)
Dr Helen Barrett - E-porfolios online
Professional Portfolios (HSC Online NSW)
E-Portfolio (EDNA online)
ePortfolios Portal
Designing E-Learning (Australian Flexible Learning Framework)

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