November 3, 2007

Exam preparation

I have begun exam preparation in earnest. It is has been years since I have sat an exam and to tell the truth I find it hard to believe that the topic "Cultural Politics in Education" has an exam at all...surely the better way to explore such a subject and learn about it (which is the point I presume) is not to learn facts for and exam but to write essays exploring the topic in depth...but...that is not the case. So I am carefully reading over the notes I have made for the readings and creating tables of theories and concepts (and reading the readings I missed because I was concentrating too much on the issue of class for my major essay - which I did very poorly in). Anyway, luckily it is a rainy day so I don't feel so bad for having to stay inside and study. My partner is reading through my essay due on the 12th about creating a profile for a Year 7/8 and year 11/12 student based on Piagetian theories about cognitive development so as to develop a profile with reference to my KLA (Human Society and It's Environment). Sounds simple huh! Well....he is picking it apart with a fine tooth comb...after my last disastrous results I need a critical eye going over my work - have lost quite a bit of confidence after that performance. I could clearly see when I got my essay back that i had really sat on the fence, not argued a point, not mentioned theory enough and generally wrote a very poor essay....but I am determined to better in the exam and to do better in this last essay....then enjoy a nice long break ; )

1 comment:

Mary said...

Don't you know by now that exams are just a form of sadist ritualistic activities. It gets everyone's knickers in a knot and that's the way they like it ;-)

I think you have no better critical eye than your partner's to make sure you get the marks you want for the next essay. I think when we write, we can be too close to it. We have all the ideas in our head but it might not come across that way on the page, even if we think it is.

I get caught out all the time with Photo Editing. After doing it for so long, I think I see things and auto-correct without even touching the image. A bad habit, because I have to correct physically and not just in my head.

Not long now....