Topic: Development profile - The cognitive adolescent.
From your reading of the literature, discuss the likely cognitive capabilities of students in Year 7 or 8 and compare this to the cognitive skills we could expect to see in Year 11 or 12 students. What are the implications of this for teaching in your KLA?
I am planning to incorporate some information about brain development and neuroscience into the discussion as we know more and more each day about how the brain develops and changes and there are certainly implications for teaching in this. Some useful articles I found include:
- Advances in Brain Research: Implications for Educators (March 5, 2005) by Sue A. Sticker - Paper presented at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters (ERIC database)
- Mini Literature Review based on Brain Research and Its effects on Educational Practice (June 26, 2007) by Arnita Rena Hall (ERIC database)
- Piaget: Implications for Teaching (2001) by Patricia Webb (EBSCOHost - Academic Search Premier)
- Skills, Concepts and attitudes - The Development of Adolescent Children's Historical Thinking (2001) by M.B. Booth (EBSCOHost - Academic Search Premier)
- Adolescent's ability to engage in critical thinking (1988) by Daniel Keating (ERIC database)
- Middle School Students' Information-Seeking Skills and Metacognitive Awareness (1999) by Sonya Symons and P.Lee Reynolds (ERIC database)
- Coping with change in the middle years: How Research can inform teaching pedgagogy (2004) Educating: Weaving Research into Practice Vol.3 (Informit Database)
- Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development by Huitt, W & Hummel, J. (2003) Educational Psychology Interactive Valdosta State University, USA.
- Brain -compatible learning: fad or foundation? Neuroscience points to better strategies for educators but sorting out claims on brain-based programs is essential (2006) by Patricia Wolfe in School Adminstrator (Factiva Database
Citation: Lutz, S., & Huitt, W. (2004). Connecting cognitive development and constructivism: Implications from theory for instruction and assessment. Constructivism in the Human Sciences,9(1), 67-90.
So let's start reading....
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