September 23, 2007


I have been very neglectful of my studies in terms of reading and my blog in terms of recording and am feeling a bit guilty. However, I have one excuse. We finish the term on Wednesday and after that I have 2 weeks and 2 days off school and so plan to finish my articles for my assignment, write up summaries for the assignment and then actually write the assignment! It is good to have a long stretch of time in which to read, think, draft, panic, and then do a final draft to send in. I am still a little confused by some of the instructions we have been given regarding interview consent forms but am sure that I will be able to work them out in the end. I interviewed 4 of my friends, but will only need to use the information of 3 of them. Not sure which one I will omit as yet, it will only come about through further reading and thinking.

This afternoon I sat and read through 6 essays from my textbook for Cultural Politics in Education titled: Sociology of Education: Possibilities and Practices edited by Jennifer Allen - first by re-reading the article about Class titled: Which class do you teach? Education and the Reproduction of Class Inequality" by John Germov as this will be very useful for my essay. assignment. It is going to be a challenging assignment but it will be interesting and I have enjoyed the sociological nature of this course.

Back to it....

ps. I really love google books My Library. You can find online full texts or samples/previews of books and keep them in your own virtual bookshelf. My list is available here.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Good luck with the study stretch you have now hon but make sure you schedule in some fun too! Whoot :-)