August 4, 2007

Cultural Politics of Education

As part of this subject we have to keep a Personal Learning Journal for the purpose of:
  • looking back at our own learning
  • review notes and record later interpretations or reflections
This is the aim of my blog - to record notes from articles, propose questions, challenge ideas and to collate website and articles.

Notes from: by Holmes, Hughes & Julian in Australian Sociology - A Changing Society (2003)

Hidden Curriculum - social learning - learning social conventions and about one's role in the social hierachy. p.223.

Functionalism - 'society as an organic entity made from interacting parts that seeks balance and coherence. Social change to these parts occurs in these parts in order to achieve balance. The ultimate aim is social cohesion'. p.223

Meritocracy - social structures such as class, race, sex and ethnicity are not seen as disadvantaging people. Individuals are equally able to achieve in a meritocracy (a system where particular attributes are highly valued e.g. intelligence). p.224

Education (according to functionalism)- functions as a sorting house whose role is to develop a country's human resources for economic purposes (as well as social ones) p. 224

Education (according to functionalism) - functions to develop a shared culture or set of common values in children - social expectations outside the family micro world. Adolescence are exposed to a much more complex range of social expectations - i.e the level of education needed to achieve certain outcomes, how their shared culture looks at their particular class, ethnic group or gender and how gender is developed. p. 224

Schooling in Captalist American buy Bowles & Gintis (1976) & Reproduction Theory
Children learn about the social hierachy in schools, the structure of power and authority. Schools are places where the status quo is reproduced, persuading children to fulfill the social expectations set for them so they do not aspire to economic positions above their social position. p. 225. (see Schooling in Capitalist America revisited post for more information on this)

Further notes available from My Work link on main page.

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