July 31, 2007

Reflection upon Adolescence

Adolescence by John W. Santrock (2005)

As part of our assignment we have to look at our own experience of adolescence as compared to a case study given to us in our readings. It will be an interesting exercise as the person is a different gender, race and nationality to me. We are to look at developmental factors that can be explored with respect to this comparison.

At the end of the sections of our textbook it asks us to Review and Reflect. The section on the Nature of Development asks us to think about our out transitions from adolescence to adulthood and it will be these personal reflections that help us with our task.
  • Adolescence - getting my first part-time job which continued until the end of school from Year 10 - involved personal responsibility, social skills organizational skills, motivation, beginnings of self-sufficiency and decision making skilsl.
  • Emerging Adulthood - Moving out of home - significant event signifying movement from adolescence to adulthood as was in charge of my own life - having to be take responsibility, to be self-sufficient financially, well organized (attending university), dealing with new relationships (live in partner), owning and driving a car, drinking, clubbing etc (changing social connections).
What also appears to be importance when tackling such a cross cultural comparison would be to analyze the different personal and social assets that both myself and the subject of the comparison have.

Intellectual Assets

Positive links between life skills, school academic success, organization skills, decision making skills and positive outcomes.
Links to good mental health, completion of school, higher education, positive moral values, good parent-child relationships, avoidance of problem behaviours.

Psychological Assets

Positive mental health, optimism, self-regulatory skills, motivation, and confidence in competence are related to indicators of well being in adolescence and emerging adulthood. (other factors might include moral development, values, spirituality, relationship with community.

Social Assets

Connectedness, integration and feelings of belongingness. Indicators include success in secondary school, mastery of wide range of skills, adult educational and occupational attainment, self-regulation skills, health, optimism. Social assets also given good indicators to manner of transitions to adult roles such as partners, workers, community members etc.


I think that these assets are forever changing and developing. If you look at the factors explored you might be able to see that you have attained many assets in one area but feel that you have strength in another. Having good financial skills that make you more self-sufficient. However you may be very disorganized so have trouble organizing your university studies. Growing confidence in some areas of your life might not be balanced by confidence in others. It is a continual process of growth, and therefore should require a element of reflection upon how you are growing and developing. Taking stock of where you are and where you want be and which in which areas you have changed and where you want to change more.

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