July 29, 2007


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it
. ~Aristotle

I am studying a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education at Charles Sturt University. As part of our studies we have to collate material in the form of a portfolio that tracks our studies and our reflections upon those studies. This might include articles, teacher resources, websites, lessons, videos, podcasts, reviews, assignment notes and various other 'artefacts' that we collect along the way. Up until now, I have been collecting this material in hard copy format, bookmarking on the internet and saving documents onto my computer. I thought a more creative way to collate all this information might be to start a blog that has all this material and which can also then be shared with others who might add material or comment on mine.

I see this as a work in progress and it will be great to look back at it once I have finished my degree at the end of 2008 to see how my opinions have changed and how this will affect the way I view teaching in theory and in practice.

All for now,

1 comment:

Mary said...

This is a perfect medium to document your studies! I hope you don't mind that I've added you to my bloglines now so I know when you update. Yes, I'm stalking you :-P